
tisdag 25 september 2012

Lockie part 11-12

Part; 11
  1. Tunnelly= tunnellik, (ser ut som en tunnel)
  2. Gross=Stor
  3. Concerns=Företag
  4. Smothered=Dölja 
  5. Crowds=Publik

  1. That stuf is tunnelly.
  2. Volvo is gross company of much stuff.
  3. Volvo is a serious concerns!
  4. Have somthing to smothered?
  5. It is very much crowds.

All reprot that Lockie will kiss Dot at five but the problem is that she is only eleven and Lockie is 13. Dot coming be 12. But Lockie kiss Dot but not in that time at five. Lockie kiss Dot when she was in the labiry. And after that Lockie has a girl friend agin. When Egg and Lcokie walked round ocean thay meet something not good. It was a dead fish. When they walk a litel bit they saw tube line. It was something green but not good environment. Lockie and Egg will talk too the boss of the concerns but a security guard say too thew that can go from there. Egg and Lockie organsation a protest. Whenthey are in a shoping center thay give to the pepole a papier of the protest. But they meet the bad boys. The bad boys put the waste basket in the Lockies head. After that Egg took Lockie home and there they tried to take out Lockie frome waste basket. Fianelly they Eggs mother, Egg and Lockies mother take Lockie out.

Part; 12
  1. Upset=Krångel, ledsen
  2. Bumt= luffigt
  3. Speech=Mål
  4. Backyard=Bakgård
  5. Sparing=Sparsam

  1. This stuff upsets me.
  2. The bum walks the streets of Algus. 
  3. I have speech and that is when I finisht autumn semester I will have good grade.
  4. Do you have a backyard?
  5. Are you sparing?

They go too John East. But Lockie is not going too there for help about the river. He is going there for his girl friend. They have the protest meeting in Lockies house.
Lockie said too Egg that he can talk to the speech but he said that only becoose he wants to surf with Dot. Egg came out sand. Dot asked why Egg not take out his socks. Lockie said he have freky toos. Egg said too Lockie that time that never said to anybody,but he did do that. Egg said he go to the supermarket. After Lockie and Dot have surf thay decided that they meet five a clock. Lockie waint Dot but she never came. He was late too the protest meting. Egg speech too the crowds when thay wainted Lockie. They have not much crowds. But Egg failed. Lockies mother was angry becoose he came late. Next morning Lockie make the breakfast too Eggs parents. Lockie said that Egg has do the brakfast.

152-153 Workbook

I will
I won’t
Have a new mobile phone.
Have a new glasses.
Have a new car.
Have new core to my computer .
Have too make the car mor cool.
Be angry too much.
Bether of cars.
Be a doctor.
Be the technology boss of the Volvo.
Work in a parlament.
Be bether on english.
Watch TV 3h on one day only 1h on one day. 
Working on Volvo when we practing.
Practing in a supermarket.
Be bether on runing.
Eat much chocklet.
Drink more whater.
Cycling fast.
Fixit my TV.
Eat potato chips.

P.153 WB
  1. Is talking.
  2. Is waiting.
  3. Is going.
  4. Is holding.
  5. Is coming.
  6. Is shooting.
  7. Are screaming.
  8. Are driving.

Enkel presens;
Det är en vana.
Pågående form;
Händer just nu.

       1:2 Plays.
       2. Are watching.
       3. Snows.
       4. Works.
       5. Plays.
       6. Studies.

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