Hello and welcome to the 1st bookcircle of
Burnout! We have reading from page 1 to 12. Right?
Michelle, you have summarize this part and lets
starting with your summarize.
Michelle reading
Thank you very much Michelle!
Now I have tree question to you!
What did you felt when Mitch said that Josh
can’t leave the gang? Page 5
Josh dreamed about something, what was that?
Page 12
If you where in same position like Josh, what
would you have done? Page 1-12
5. Okey now Amanda is your turn and you have character
tracer. Go a head and read your character tracer.
Amanda reading
Thank you Amanda
Last but not least is you turn. Let go Kevin and
tell ous your creative connector.
Kevin reading
Thank you Kevin
7. Okey now we have finish our
1st bookcircle and next week we are reading from page 13-25. I am Character
tracer, Michelle is Discussion leader and word finder, Amanda is summarizer and
Kevin is word finder. See you next week!
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