
torsdag 30 januari 2014

Creative Connector week 5 P. 25-37

Well this is very much peer pressure. Josh knows that he is doing bad things but it’s the peer pressure who curls. This is a problem in real life too but that can be more or less peer pressure. Why people is firing is because to get credit but they have many other reason too. If the police get info that Josh and his gang have fired a store with humans inside, Josh and his gang can go to jail and stay there in a couple of years! To fire, like Josh and his gang are doing is a disease! Unfortunately this happens many times in the day around the world.

I have a tip to the that are in peer pressure and are doing something that they don’t like. Go out from the gang and you don’t have trouble.

torsdag 23 januari 2014

Character Tracer (P. 13-24)

When Josh’s father talked with Josh about the shed, I think that Josh knows that fire the shed was not so good (page 20-21).

I think Josh is a good boy but is the peer pressure who do the boy ”crazy”. 
Josh sister, Beth had got a job and Josh was jealous about that (page 22-23). Why he is jealous is because doesn't get credits from his parents. I can confirm that Josh is a good guy because when he cries on his bed and said that he will change from lighter to the his sisters badge (page 24). He likes to start firing but I think he is going soon to change his mind. I think that his brain is starting to ask the question;

Is funny but it’s not good.

tisdag 21 januari 2014


S. 120

S. 122

S. 123

S. 124

S. 132

S. 133

S. 134

S. 135

S. 136

S. 137

S. 140


V. 7 Brödarbetet ska lämnas in!

/Ebu Bekr Limani

fredag 17 januari 2014

1-12 Discussion + Word finder

1.    Hello and welcome to the 1st bookcircle of Burnout! We have reading from page 1 to 12. Right?
2.    Michelle, you have summarize this part and lets starting with your summarize.

Michelle reading

3.    Thank you very much Michelle!
4.    Now I have tree question to you!
1.    What did you felt when Mitch said that Josh can’t leave the gang? Page 5
2.    Josh dreamed about something, what was that? Page 12
3.    If you where in same position like Josh, what would you have done? Page 1-12

 5. Okey now Amanda is your turn and you have character tracer. Go a head and read your character tracer.

Amanda reading

Thank you Amanda

6.    Last but not least is you turn. Let go Kevin and tell ous your creative connector.

Kevin reading

Thank you Kevin

7. Okey now we have finish our 1st bookcircle and next week we are reading from page 13-25. I am Character tracer, Michelle is Discussion leader and word finder, Amanda is summarizer and Kevin is word finder. See you next week!

torsdag 16 januari 2014

Three question about Burnout (Page 1-12)

1.    What did you felt when Mitch said that Josh can’t leave the gang? (Page 5)
2.    Josh dreamed about something, what was that? (Page 12)

3.    If you where in same position like Josh, what would you have done? (Page 1-12)

onsdag 15 januari 2014

Words for Burnout 1-12

1.    count (1) = räkna

2.    sheds (2) = skjul

3.    ice rink (4) = isbana

4.    keen (4) = angelägen

5.    runt (4) = liten skit

6.    smacks (4) = smälla till

7.    shelter (6) = busskur

8.    tadpole (6) = grodyngel

9.    marauder (7) = plundrare

10.lads (8) = grabbar

11.shiver (8) = rysa

12.tissues (8) = pappersnäsdukar

13.blast (10) = explosion

14.waving (11) = vinka

15.melting (12) = smälta

16.Tipping (12) = tippa